Thursday, January 12, 2012

It Can't Be Thursday Already

Where did this week go?  UGH!  There's so much to be done and no time left to do it in. Plus, Monday is a holiday.

Thanks goodness for the holiday!!!   I am totally looking forward to relaxing.  Keeping up with the laundry and not having to run out of the house at some ungodly hour.  Yep, good times ahead.

Had a 2 and half hour meeting this morning.  Then we all went out for lunch together.  Love my colleagues, but, seriously, it makes for a day where nothing real gets done.

Deeper thoughts:  Keeping up with laundry really takes a load off my mind :-)  I am to a point where I do a load or two every day or so, and it does not feel like I am drowning in a sea of clothes that either need to be washed or need to be put away.

Maybe tonight is the night I'll get those cupcakes made.  I want to test drive the recipe.  We are doing January birthdays this weekend, and while officially a chocolate cake has been requested, I would like to take the vanilla bean cupcakes, too, because my little family isn't big on chocolate cake.  And I have been fantasizing about making the ganache with nutella. 

The littles have their skating lessons today.  I get to stand around in the freezing arctic for over an hour, freezing, while I watch them having fun.  I wish I could take lessons with them.  At least then I wouldn't be freezing.

With a Freezing and Thankful Heart,
I am,

(Hey, that freezing heart part didn't come out quite right... :-)  )

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